Agenda item

Late Night Levy - 12 Month Report

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection looking at the first year of operation of the Late Night Levy.


The Assistant Director Environmental Health & Public Protection highlighted that the report clearly set out what the Late Night Levy Finds were currently being used for. He added that not all of the funds had been fully spent this year and that officers were now looking with all parties, including those paying the Late Night Levy, at where the funds might be spent in future.


The Assistant Director Environmental Health & Public Protection reported that the forecast for income from the Late Night Levy for 2015/16 was currently £430,000. He went on to state that there had been very few applications for licence variations made in order to avoid the Late Night Levy and there was also no evidence to suggest that the Levy was acting as a disincentive for new licence applications that would be subject to this.


The City of London Police reported that, from their point of view, funds from the Late Night Levy had made a significant impact on resources and had contributed towards the 2014 and 2015 Christmas campaigns as well as the funding of one permanent additional officer to the Licensing Team. They added that they saw future funds being spent in a very similar way to this year as it was felt that this had had the maximum benefit.


The Department of Built Environment commented that funds utilised from the Late Night Levy had led to a marked improvement in terms of street cleansing which, in turn, had led to a reduction in the number of complaints received.


A Member commented that he was surprised that, of the £445,000 received from the Late Night Levy in the first year, just £255,000 had been spent to date. The Chamberlain confirmed that the money received did not have to be spent in the same year and that it was ring fenced for future years for this purpose.


In response to questions, the Assistant Director Environmental Health & Public Protection confirmed that charges for the Late Night Levy were according to a set formula nationally.


The Chairman commented that she felt that it was prudent for the City Corporation and the Police not to spend all of the funds received in one year, particularly given that the funds were received in ‘dribs and drabs’ and that a final amount was therefore difficult to predict with any certainty. She went on to remind Members that this was the first year that the funds had been assigned to various different areas and that officers would now have scope to look into further potentially beneficial areas to spend the monies received.


In response to further questions, the Assistant Director Environmental Health & Public Protection reported that 70% was the statutory minimum of fees that had to be apportioned to the Police. This amount could, however, be increased in future years. He went on to confirm that a discount of 30% was available to those premises who applied to join the City’s Safety Thirst Scheme. Members were informed that the City Corporation had, in the past, suggested to the Home Office that greater flexibility around the Late Night Levy charges would be useful and the Assistant Director, Environmental Health & Public Protection stated that they would continue to lobby on this if given future opportunities to do so.


A Member commented that he believed that the legislation provided a formula on fees but not a specific percentage. The Assistant Director Environmental Health & Public Protection stated that it was important to view the accompanying guidance alongside the legislation but that he was happy to look again at this.


The City of London police concluded by stating that, as this had been the first year in which funds had been available, they had exercised a degree of caution in terms of spending these. There was, however, a comprehensive plan being produced detailing how the monies would be best spent going forward.


The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the City of London Police, Cleansing and Licensing Officers for using the funds apportioned to them wisely and making a tangeable difference.


RESOLVED – That Members:


1.         Confirm that expenditure of the Levy continue in the three areas set out at   paragraphs 19, 20 and 29 of the report with continued exploration of areas where       the night time economy may benefit from use of Levy income;


2.         Agree that the final allocation of the Levy, apportioned for use by the City    Corporation, to be decided by the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Licensing      Committee in consultation with the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection;             and


 3.        Require officers to prepare an annual account of the operation and effect of the Levy          which is to be reported to the Licensing Committee.

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