Agenda item

Hampstead Heath Ponds Project Update

Joint report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath and the Ponds Project Director.


The Committee received a joint report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath and the Ponds Project Director regarding the progression of the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project. The Superintendent provided the following updates:-

·         Earthworks had started at Model Boating Pond (MBP) and it was expected to take around two weeks to remove the remaining silt;

·         One Alder tree had been removed by MBP to allow for the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond building to be brought onto site;

·         Desilting at Viaduct was halted due to debris in the pond so the Project Team were looking into the best way to de-silt this pond, which would take place once works at the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond had been completed;

·         Hampstead No. 1 was due to be finished by Easter; and

·         Hampstead No. 2 was due to be finished by mid-April.


In response to a member’s (Highgate Conservation Area Advisory Committee) question, the Superintendent assured that works would not be carried out during the Easter Bank Holiday weekend and that staff would be mindful of vehicle movements during the Easter School Holiday period.


RESOLVED – That the progress of the Hampstead Heath Ponds Project be noted.

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