Agenda item

Income Generation - Report of a Cross-Cutting Service Based Review

Report of the Chamberlain (on behalf of the Performance and Strategy Summit Group).


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain (on behalf of the Performance and Strategy Summit Group) which provided information regarding the outcomes of the cross-cutting review of Income Generation opportunities, which had been commissioned as part of the Service Based Review.


Members noted that it was vital that there was clarity regarding which department was responsible for delivering income generation in each area, particularly noting the potential for confusion in areas where the City Surveyor provided services to other departments of the Corporation, such as housing.

RESOLVED – That the Committee:

a)    endorses the report and recommendations;

b)    agrees headline recommendation 1 (“Harmonise the approach to setting all charges, fees and debt recovery for City Fund services with those of other relevant authorities within 12 months, unless a compelling business case is agreed for individual exceptions”).

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