Agenda item

Better Care Fund 2016-17

Report of the Programme Manager.


Members of the Board noted the update on development of the Plan for 2016/17 and were asked to approve the final submission of the plan, due on 25 April



Members were informed that the Better Care Fund (BCF) aimed to facilitate the integration of health and social care services at a local level. It required Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) and local authorities in every area to pool budgets and agree an integrated spending plan for how they will use their BCF allocation. The spending plan can include a range of schemes that are commissioned by either the CCG or the local authority. Officers informed the Board Members that for 2016/17, the national BCF would be increased to a mandated minimum of

£3.9bn (compared to £3.8bn in 2015/16), subject to national conditions.


In response to a query Members noted that the BCF included a number of performance metrics which local areas were required to set targets for. Members agreed to consider these targets during the non-public part of the meeting.


Plans for the City of London BCF 2016/17 would build on some of the successes of the 2015/16 plan and would also introduce some new areas in line with strategic priorities and emerging areas of work.  Proposed schemes to be commissioned through the BCF by the City of London Corporation include:


-        Continuation and expansion of the Care Navigator scheme which assists City residents to have a safe discharge from hospital

-        Disabled Facilities Grant to help with adaptations for disabled people to stay in their own homes

-        Continuation of a project to help people with long term mental health conditions to move to more independent living and a floating support worker to help facilitate integration across a number of services which support independence

-        Some City specific community health provision to work with the Adult Social Care Team for example community nurse and pharmacist

-        Support for carers in line with our carers’ strategy

-        Social isolation (work is underway to develop this area)

-        Reablement plus scheme to support safe hospital discharge at weekends and bank holidays and to prevent admissions to hospital


Resolved – that the Board approved the final submission of the City of London Better Care Fund Plan 2016/17 with any final amendments delegated to the Director of Community and Children’s Services in conjunction with the Chairman of the Health and Wellbeing Board.


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