Agenda item

Late Night Levy - Verbal Update

The Licensing Manager to be heard.



The Licensing Manager reported that at the end of the financial year a balance of approximately £82,000 had been generated by income from the Late Night Levy. This was forecast to increase by a further £40,000 in 2016/17 resulting in a total of £120,000 to spend next year.


A Member commented on the need to look at how this money would be utilised with some urgency so as to avoid carrying forward such large surpluses in future years.


It was noted that the Levy fee was set nationally. The Assistant Director, Environmental Health & Public Protection reported that some proposals around spending the Late Night Levy income were already progressing and that further talks around this would now take place.


In response to questions, the Chamberlain clarified that the amounts referred to by the Licensing Manager covered only the 30% of fees apportioned to the City of London Corporation and not the remaining 70% apportioned to the City of London Police.


The Committee requested further detail by way of a written report for their next meeting.