Agenda item

Annual Equalities in Employment Monitoring Report

Report of the Director of Human Resources.


Members asked that a third option such as “other” be included in employment monitoring questions on gender. Members commented on the importance of recognising unconscious bias during the recruitment process, particularly in relation to ethnicity and age. The Director of Human Resources explained to the Committee that a major project had commenced looking into recruitment and attracting talent which included consideration of unconscious bias. The Government’s Equalities Office had recently published guidance for employers on the recruitment and retention of transgender staff and this would be considered as part of the recruitment project. The Director of Human Resources proposed to provide a report to the Committee on the Recruitment Project.


In response to a Member’s query on career progression, the Director of Human Resources proposed to provide a report to the Committee on recent recruitment of Senior Managers.


In response to a Member’s query on comparison data in relation to recruitment and starter and leaver information for previous years, the Director of Human Resources confirmed that upon request, it would be possible to provide direct comparisons and further information.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.


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