Agenda item

Human Resources Dashboards

Report of the Director of Human Resources.


The Committee noted a report of the Director of Human Resources which provided data from the Corporate HR Dashboard. The full electronic version of the dashboard was made available to Members at the meeting.


Members commented on the increased number of accidents. The Director of Human Resources explained that there had not been an increase in accidents, but an increase in the reporting of accidents due to improvements made to the reporting systems. This was seen as a positive, but there should now be a focus on increasing reporting of near misses.


In response to a Member’s query on how the number of new starters surpassed the number of appointments, the Director of Human Resources explained that there had been different recruitment systems and when the data was put together, the various systems had been joined up. Members suggested that explanations be included with the figures going forward to explain discrepancies.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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