Agenda item

New Apprenticeship Levy and Target

Report of the Director of Human Resources.


The Committee noted a report of the Director of Human Resources which provided information on the Government’s two apprenticeship policies and the implications of these policies on the City Corporation as an employer.


Members endorsed the Town Clerk’s suggestion that the City of London Corporation should be an exemplar in the employment of apprentices. The Town Clerk and Chief Executive reported that he had commenced discussions with Chief Officers on the target of delivering 100 apprenticeships across the Corporation, and proposed to provide a progress report at a later date.


The Director of Human Resources confirmed that the City of London Corporation’s Graduate Programme was in place and there were also plans to seek to implement a similar scheme for candidates who did not wish to enter further education. In response to a Member’s query on plans unrelated to academic achievement, the Director of Human Resources confirmed that further information would be provided at a later date.


Members discussed the different types of apprenticeships available and asked for further information to be provided at a later date on how the provision of apprenticeships had affected permanent staff.


Members asked for an update on the Recovery Career Service. The Director of Human Resources agreed to provide an update to the Member following the meeting.


RESOLVED – That the Committee notes the report.

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