Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held 3 December 2012 (copy attached).


The public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 3 December 2012 were approved as a correct record, subject to Richard Gurney and Justin Meath-Baker being removed from the list of attendees.


Matters Arising

National Planning Policy Framework (page 2) – The Chairman stated that he had not received any response from the Greater London Authority in respect of the Committee’s concerns on the proposed National Planning Policy Framework.  The Director of Open Spaces advised that she would be attending a meeting with the Mayor’s Office on 19 February and would report back on progress at the next meeting.


Schedule of Visits (page 2) – In answer to a question, the Town Clerk advised that she would look into the dates once again and report back to Members as soon as possible.


London Borough of Newham Representative (page 3) – The Superintendent advised the Committee that correspondence had been received in the Town Clerk’s dept informing them of the person would be replacing Charlotte Evans as the representative for the London Borough of Newham.  He stated that LB Newham were due to confirm their appointment on 7th February and would report back in due course.


Forestry Commission Conference (Trees and Diseases) (page 3) – The Director of Open Spaces stated that the conference had been helpful and well attended.


St Andrew’s Holborn Church Gardens (page 67) – The Director of Built Environment advised that this had now been approved by the Projects Sub Committee.

Supporting documents: