Agenda item


To elect a Deputy Chairman in accordance with Standing Order 30.


The Committee proceeded to elect a Deputy Chairman in accordance with Standing Order No.30. Jeremy Mayhew, as the immediate Past Chairman, confirmed he did not wish to serve as Deputy Chairman for this year. The Town Clerk read a list of Members eligible to stand and Ian Seaton, being the only Member who expressed his willingness to serve, was duly elected as Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the ensuing year.


RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY: THAT the Members of the City Bridge Trust Committee express their sincere thanks to:




for the knowledgeable, humorous, and warm-hearted manner in which he has presided over the business of The City Bridge Trust Committee for the past 2 years.


As Chairman, Jeremy has considered almost 1,000 applications and awarded over £36m in grants. He has been a well-informed and committed Chairman, and his understanding and strategic oversight has helped ensure that the Committee has a clear focus, despite the continued challenges and pressures on public expenditure and the impacts on the charitable sector.


Jeremy has demonstrated a sincere commitment to representing The City Bridge Trust Committee in all manner of public events and activities with charm and professionalism. In fact, he has even been prepared to go into prison on behalf of the Trust! During his Chairmanship, Jeremy has overseen the significant development of the Trust’s bridge between grant making and social investment through the Stepping Stones fund work, and secured surplus income of the Bridge House Estates charity to be used for the City Bridge Trust’s Grants Programme. This allowed for more proactive grant making and a more strategic response to the ever-changing needs of London and its civic society without affecting the monies available for the regular grants programme, allowing the Trust to enhance its role as London’s largest grant-making trust in a time when capital, resources, and guidance for London’s charitable sector is immeasurable.


Jeremy’s wisdom in overseeing the Committee and administering the Trust’s criteria with transparency and objectivity has ensured that hundreds of organisations large and small from across London, and the thousands of Londoners they serve, have all been supported by the Trust.


We warmly thank Jeremy for his leadership of the Committee and the continuing success of the Trust. It is the hope of his colleagues that he will continue to serve on the Committee and the City of London Corporation for many years to come and that he will be proud of the significant contribution that he personally has made to the achievements of the Trust.