Agenda item

2016-19 Business Plan

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection seeking approval for the 2016-2019 Business Plan of the City of London’s Wholesale Markets, which are part of the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Chairman highlighted that Markets Operational Performance Indicator 2 (MKPI2) would be amended to read “100% of debts to be settled within 90 days” to reflect the current Committee strategy.


A Member requested that, on the risk register the narrative under ‘effect’ for MCP-SM 002 and MCP-SM 005 be amended to read “if this risk were to be realised it couldresult in prosecution……..” as opposed to would result in prosecution.


RESOLVED – That, Members approve the Markets Business Plan 2016-2019 and its appendices.

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