Agenda item

Markets Committee Risk

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection providing Members with assurance that risk management procedures in place within the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection are satisfactory and that they meet the requirements of the corporate Risk Management Framework.


The Chairman highlighted that there were currently no red risks for the Committee to note.


The Chairman informed Members that the review dates contained within the table at Appendix A detailed the last review date for each risk. For example, those listed as having been reviewed in January 2016, would continue to be reviewed on a quarterly basis.


In response to a question, the Director confirmed that, whilst there were no risks within the report for Billingsgate Market, this did not mean that there were no risks on this site it simply reflected the fact that none of these were serious enough to be covered as a Departmental Risk.


RESOLVED – That, Members note the report and the actions taken in the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection to monitor and manage effectively risks arising from its operations.

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