Report of the Community Safety Team Manager.
The Committee received a report of the Community Safety Manager detailing activity undertaken since their last meeting. It was reported that the new Safer City Partnership plan had been printed (and was available at the meeting), further copies available upon request. The Community Safety Manager confirmed that progress against the desired outcomes laid out in the plan would be monitored.
- Training for staff dealing with Anti-Social behaviour had been delivered
- Uptake for Prevent training amongst staff was low. It was being discussed if the training should be made mandatory. The strategy was being updated and the option of expanding the programme to businesses in the City would be explored.
- John Simpson, London Fire Brigade, had been appointed as the Chair of the Serious Organised Crime Board, the Terms of Reference of which were set out in the report. The Chairman questioned the process for the appointment of the Deputy Chairman, and the Community Safety Manager agreed to bring a proposal to the next meeting of the group.
- The effectiveness of an Alcohol Recovery Centre due to be trialled in the City over the coming Christmas period would be monitored
- It was confirmed that details of forthcoming CST activities would be available online. A Member from The City of London Crime Prevention Association suggested the Association could help promote awareness of these and SCP priorities and this was supported by Members.
Resident Engagement
The proposal to hold four resident engagement surgeries a year alongside the relevant ward member was supported by Members. A quarterly report would be presented to the Committee detailing issues that arose at the surgeries.