Agenda item

Safer City Partnership Strategic Plan 2016-17

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Board noted that the Safer City Partnership had its statutory basis within the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 which required local authorities to establish Community Safety Partnerships. They were required to produce annual plans and reports on tackling crime and disorder, anti-social behaviour, reducing re- offending and substance misuse.


Members received the draft Safer City Partnership (SCP) Strategic Plan 2016-17

which outlined the priorities and areas of focus of the SCP for the coming year. There was a focus on the priorities most relevant to the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB): Violence against the Person and the Night Time

Economy Crime and Nuisance. The Strategic plan went to the SCP Committee on 6 June for agreement and would be circulated and made public.


Resolved – that the report be received.

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