Agenda item

Risk Register 2015-16 for The City of London School for Girls Bursary Fund incorparting The City of London School for Girls Scholarships and Prizes Fund

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Bursar of the City of London School for Girls.


The Board considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Bursar of the City of London School for Girls that sought approval to the key risk register for the CLSG Bursary Fund incorporating the Scholarships and Prizes Fund. The Bursar advised that a report regarding the new Bursary guidelines would be submitted to the Bursary Sub-Committee then the Board of Governors during autumn 2016.


RESOLVED – That the risk register be reviewed to confirm that it satisfactorily sets out the risks facing the charity and appropriate measures are in place to mitigate those risks.

Supporting documents: