Agenda item


To approve the public minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2012.


The minutes of the meeting held on 28 May 2012 were approved.


Matters Arising:-


Spitalfields Music – Item 15

It was noted that Spitalfields Music had not come back to the Committee on the suggestion that a representative of the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee should sit on the board of their organisation but that proposals for strengthening ties meant that this was no longer necessary.


Screen at the base of The Monument – Item 7

The City Surveyor advised that an email had been sent to all Members of the Committee informing them of the latest developments relative to a screen being placed at the base of The Monument.


Ten Keats Grove – Item 13

In response to a Members question the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries informed Members that, determining the actual cost of running the library was an on-going process. He further advised that there would be an increased income through the autumn and winter months as the new events space came online.


Guildhall Bookshop (future plans) – Item 16

The Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries informed Members that a modest bookshop was being developed in Guildhall Library and the Chairman queried whether notifications could be sent to Members when interesting items were published and made available through the bookshop.


In response to a Member’s query, the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries advised that his department was in the process of establishing the fees for internal and external use of the old Bookshop (now called Pepys’ Room) and further advised that the Revenue Outturn report – Item 7 on the agenda – highlighted some investment to help redevelop it as a more flexible space.


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