Agenda item

Co-opted Member Vacancy

The Town Clerk to be heard.


The Town Clerk reported that Felicity Lusk had chosen to step down as a Co-opted Member of the Standards Committee with immediate effect due to her departure from the UK to work abroad. Given the Committee's decision to commission a full review of Member conduct arrangements that would be likely to affect the Standards Committee, the Town Clerk suggested that the appointment of a new Co-opted Member to fill this vacancy be put on hold pending the outcome of this review.


The Chairman agreed with this approach and reported that he had recently written to Ms Lusk on behalf of the Committee to thank her for her service. 


Some Members of the Committee disagreed with this approach and suggested that recruitment for a new Co-opted Member should commence as soon as possible. This was generally accepted.


Members of the Committee were asked to encourage any suitable candidates they might know to apply for the position.