Agenda item


Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


N.B. This Item is to be read in conjunction with the appendix at Item No. 15.



The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection detailing the premises licences, and variations to premises licences, granted under the Licensing Act 2003 by the Licensing Service from 1 April 2016 to 19 June 2016.


In response to a question regarding the new licence application from Smiths of Smithfield, the Licensing Manager reported that this was a new application for a new licence in a new area as far as he was aware.


With regard to Enforcement Action carried out under the Licensing Act 2003, the Deputy Chairman requested that Members have sight of the warning letters issued in future. The Licensing Manager reported that he was happy to circulate copies of all warning letters issued to members of the Licensing Committee ahead of future Committee meetings.


A Member questioned the new licence issued for the proposed development site at 27-32 Poultry and why this application had been made so early in the process. The Licensing Manager responded by stating that it was becoming increasingly common for applications to be submitted many months before trading was due to commence. He clarified that, as no objections had been received, this licence was now valid. The Chairman clarified that this was the old Midland Bank site and would now be converted to hotel use. He highlighted that certain conditions had been applied to the licence granted and that these were set out in full within the report.


The City of London Police confirmed that they had met at length with the future operators of the premises who had agreed that no promoted events would be held on the premises. They had also offered to work with the City of London Police at the earliest opportunity. The City of London Police were therefore not concerned by the granting of this licence.    



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