Agenda item

Special Interest Area Scheme 2017/18

Joint report of the Town Clerk and Commissioner of Police.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which set out the arrangements for the Special Area Interest (SIA) Scheme for 2016/2017 and requested Members to confirm appointments to each of these areas.


The report also informed of key developments in each of the areas over the past year, highlighting where Member involvement had made a difference.


Members of the Committee thanked officers for all their work and support in ensuring the success of the scheme.


RESOLVED – That report be noted and Lead Members be appointed as follows: -

Business Improvement and Change and Performance and Risk Management

Deputy James Thomson

Professional Standards and Integrity

Alderman Alison Gowman

Equality, Diversity & Human Rights

Lucy Sandford

Counter Terrorism

Deputy James Thomson

Strategic Policing Requirement Overview

Deputy Henry Pollard

Economic Crime /Fraud

Simon Duckworth


Deputy James Thomson

Road Safety and Casualty Reduction

Alderman Alison Gowman

Public Order

Emma Edhem

Safeguarding and Public Protection/ICV Scheme

Nick Bensted-Smith

Anti-Social Behaviour and Community Engagement

Lucy Sandford


Supporting documents: