Agenda item

Superintendents' Oral Updates

The Superintendents to be heard.


 The Committee received an oral update from the Market Superintendents, as follows:


Smithfield had been affected by the current heat wave; Members noted that they would receive a report on the Condenser Water Cooling System later on this agenda.  The Superintendent advised that a glass panel had given way yesterday and the possibility of heat damage was under investigation.




Spitalfields Market was currently progressing the renewal of their Leases, to a  more modern format.  Members noted that negotiations were currently at the ‘without prejudice’ stage and there would be a further update to the Markets Committee in September. 


The Waste Contract would expire in 2017 and the re-tender process would seek to find the most robust contract possible.  The Superintendent outlined the process so far, which was on target, and Members noted that he had been working with the Chairman of the Tenant’s Association.  Members also noted that the new processes would include the latest technology and ‘clean as you go’ rather than at the end.   The Constabulary were changing their working practices in order to reduce excess waste charges.


Parking arrangements for HGV’s on site were being reviewed and Members noted that, as the end of the site was currently underused, this presented an opportunity for allowing more organised parking and safer HGV movements.


Billingsgate Market had seen some adverse sickness, primarily caused by a long-term complex case, which was being discussed at a corporate level.  Members agreed that the circumstances were extremely unfortunate and asked for their condolences to this employee to go on record.  Members also noted that some of the shorter term sickness periods had ended.