Agenda item

Pedestrian Segregation Barrier - New Spitalfields Market (NSM)

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection in respect of the proposal to install a Pedestrian Segregation Barrier at New Spitalfields Market.  Members challenged whether the risk to pedestrians was actually Nil in all parts, as collisions could still occur where the narrower cross access ways crossed the three main access ways.  However, Members accepted that the risk had reduced dramatically, with no risk of fork lift trucks coming in contact with pedestrians in that specific area.


RESOLVED, that - expenditure of £118,000 for the installation of a segregation barrier in the fire paths of New Spitalfields Market be approved, noting that no City funding would be required.


(NB - Funds to install the segregation barrier will come solely from NSM resources. £850,000 of ring-fenced money is available for such works in the Market’s maintenance funds/reserves. This will easily cover the costs of implementation.)


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