Agenda item

Attracting Talent

Report of the Director of Human Resources.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Human Resources which outlined the Attracting Talent programme. The programme aimed to review and update the City of London Corporation’s employer brand, reduce barriers to entry and support workforce plans and succession planning.


The Director of Human Resources informed the Committee that as part of their review, Human Resources had conducted an exercise whereby a sample of recently recruited to positions were re-shortlisted by a panel of HR Staff experienced in shortlisting and interviewing but with the removal of personal information from the application forms. This included the removal of names, addresses, and educational establishments. The exercise found that the chances of BME candidates being shortlisted increased by around 40%. Further roles were being re-examined, but so far the review indicated a need to address the potential for unconscious bias in the recruitment process. The Director of Human Resources confirmed to the Committee that there would be a move from mandatory training to nudge behaviour in order to mitigate the effects of unconscious bias.


RESOLVED – That the Committee note the report, and commend the steps being taken by Officers to eliminate unconscious bias in the recruitment process.


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