Agenda item

Accommodation and ways of working

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which provided the Committee with information on the Accommodation and New Ways of Working Programme.


This Committee having been asked to consider the impact on the Corporation’s workforce,Members referred to two matters which they believedhad to be in place for the programme to be delivered successfully: significantly improved IT provision and the role of leadership in the delivery of the programme.


Members therefore asked that the following be looked at in more detail:

  • the Corporation’s IT infrastructure, and whether it could deliver the agile working environment envisaged in the report;
  • the location of Chief Officer accommodation and whether they would be part of the open environment;
  • that lessons from other organisations had been considered;
  • the definition of agile working;
  • that legal minimum spaces had been considered; and
  • that the health benefits referenced in the paper were defined.


With a further report to come back to this Committee responding to the points raised, prior to implementation of the Scheme. 


Members agreed that the benefits of such a programme were enormous if carried out properly.


A Member stated that his employer had implemented an agile working scheme and invited Members to a site visit.


RESOLVED – That the Committee:


a)    note with approval the Accommodation and New Ways of Working Programme; 

b)    records its views on the implications for the City of London Corporation Workforce; and

c)    instructs officers to report back to this Committee on the points raised during discussion.


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