Agenda item

Staff Appeal Committee

Joint report of the Comptroller and City Solicitor, the Director of Human Resources and the City Surveyor.


Members considered item nine after item ten.


Members considered a joint report of the Comptroller and City Solicitor, the Director of Human Resources, and the City Surveyor which explained the current practices of the Staff Appeal Committee.


The report presented the Committee with two options to present information from Staff Appeal Committee meetings; a case summary to be included in the decision letter or a free standing report. The Comptroller and City Solicitor expressed a preference for the second option of the free standing report.


Members queried the appropriateness of continuing to receive information from individual Staff Appeal Committee meetings, but confirmed that they would like to maintain a role in the Staff Appeal Committee.


Members endorsed the second option of the free standing report to be submitted to the Establishment Committee, following Staff Appeal Committee meetings.




a)    the Committee considered the report; and

b)    a free standing report be submitted to Establishment Committee following Staff Appeal Committees.



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