Agenda item


To agree the minutes of the Barbican Residents’ Consultation Committee (RCC) held on 10 September 2018.


RESOLVED, that – the minutes of the meeting held on 20 September 2018 be approved.


Matters arising:

  1. Members noted that the Review of Housing Governance was due to be considered by the Policy and Resources Committee on 17th January 2019. 


  1. The Court of Common Council would be considering a Motion in respect of dispensations at its meeting on 6th December 2018.


  1. The Chairman agreed to follow up an outstanding query in respect of a budget for an all resident meeting.


  1. The Assistant Director, Barbican, Housing and Property Services, advised that the next meeting of the RCC and BRC would receive a detailed report and action plan in respect of fire safety.  Members noted that the compartmentation surveys were being analysed, specifically in relation to Frobisher Crescent, and a procurement exercise for new signage was underway.  In addition, Fire Management Plans would be developed for each block, explaining how the Landlord will manage fire safety in the blocks; i.e. clear escape routes etc.


  1. In response to questions about fire door testing, Members noted that the door that had been tested had met the 36 minute test.  However, the passage of smoke had been quicker than expected and further work was underway.   A further 2 doorsets, including staircase blocks (one with glazing) had been sent off for testing.  The Assistant Director advised that current waiting times in the UK were stretching to July next year but he had sourced an alternative testing facility in Poland, which provided the same service cheaper and quicker. 


  1. In response to further questions about smoke ingress, Members noted that, as this test had been undertaken in a factory, the ventilation systems in the Barbican might act differently and extract it.  However, more research was underway in respect of the use of seals and/or strips, using the Compartmentation Contractor.  .   Members noted that smoke tests were not compulsory but residents safety was parament to the City Corporation.   Members were also assured that, in the past 33 years, whilst there had been some small fires on the Estate, none had breached a flat and spread elsewhere. Officers agreed take further advice about controlled smoke testing in an empty flat.


  1. The BRC Chairman had approached the Hospitality Working Party in respect of the Barbican’s 50-Year Celebrations  for an event next Summer at the Museum of London and a photographic exhibition in the Guildhall Yard.


  1. In respect of the Asset Management and Stock Condition Surveys, Members noted that work would start in the New Year, and include, under floor heating, lifts (this work had been done) and work to the car parks.  Members were reminded that windows were a Landlord responsibility but recoverable through the Lease.  There could be interim works to poorly fitting windows.  The Assistant Director advised that the results of the Survey would be presented to the Asset Maintenance Working Party and a  report and plan would be presented to the RCC/BRC in the Autumn of 2019.  


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