Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the committee


Bernard Morgan House


In response to a question concerning what the latest position was, the CPO officer advised that the Secretary of State had decided not to call in the decision and therefore subject to the s106 agreement being entered into the decision could be issued. The affordable housing contribution which the Committee had given delegated authority for the Chairman and Alderman Sir Michael Bear to be consulted on, was being undertaken.


*The Deputy Chairman declared an interest when this question was asked.


Meeting Agenda


Several members expressed concern at the length of the meeting and the number of agenda items which had been included to accommodate recess, and also the amount of time taken by officers to introduce items.


The Chairman undertook to address these matters with the Town Clerk and the Director of the Built Environment.


Mayor’s Transport Consultation


In response to a question concerning when this would be coming to Committee officers advised that this would be 3 October meeting. It was suggested that TfL be invited to the meeting to present this.