The One Safe City Programme Manager to be heard.
The Committee received a presentation from the manager of the One Safe City Programme updating them on the proposed outcomes and recent progress.
One Safe City was the first cross-cutting programme between the City of London and the City of London Police. It consisted of three strands; The “Ring of Steel” – a security perimeter around the City; Joint Contract and Control Room - combining the Police and the Corporation control rooms for better customer service, and Safer Communities.
Members discussed how the programme could improve Information Sharing, including how protocols should be maintained, and whether they should be stored centrally.
There was a further discussion on the governance of the programme and where the Safer City Partnership Group fitted into the organisational chart presented. It was agreed that a representative from the Committee should be represented on the Member Working Party which had oversight of the programme’s delivery and a volunteer would be sought outside of the meeting
It was asked that the presentation be shared by email to the Members of the Committee.