Agenda item

Case Review

Report of the Community Safety Manager.


The Committee considered a report of the Community Safety Manager outlining the procedural learning taken from a recent Case Review.  An history of the case was given, detailing that a review had been undertaken when a reported homicide had taken place in the City. When the charges against the perpetrator were dropped, it had been decided that, as the Corporation had never undertaken one, it would be worthwhile completing the review.


From the process, a toolkit had been developed to assist Officers should a similar case arise in the future. The Chairman asked that this toolkit be kept in line with emerging practice and policies, and it was agreed that a formal review should next take place in 2019.


It was confirmed that the progress against the actions outlined in the Action Plan for implementing learning from the Review would be bought back to the Committee at regular intervals.


The Community Safety Manager reported that the completed Case Review would be submitted to the Home Office alongside the report on lessons learnt, as in the case of a standard DHR. The Chairman asked that a recommendation be sent to the Home Office that the lessons learnt be disseminated to other boroughs and organisations if helpful.


It was confirmed that an independent review of the incident had found no failings on behalf of the City of London Corporation or the City of London Police.




-       The Action Plan for implementing learning from the Review, detailed in Appendix 1, be agreed, and that

-       The Domestic Homicide Review toolkit for how Safer City Partnership agencies will respond in the tragic event of a domestic homicide, detailed in Appendix 2, be approved 


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