The Committee received a note of resolution from Port Health & Environmental Services Committee relating to the issue of illegal street traders within the City of London.
The note explained that the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee had received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection which sought approval on an action plan to stop these traders from operating. It was explained that there had been an increase in the number of violent incidents occurring when these traders were asked to cease their activities which had resulted in the requirement of Police assistance.
The Commissioner explained that in the event that it was established that violence is occurring, then the City of London Police would indeed commit appropriate response in order to resolve the issue. The Commissioner explained that no extra resources could be committed to an action plan of this nature without further consideration into evidence of violence taking place. If it was not evident that the incidents had escalated to violence then the issue should remain under the jurisdiction of Markets and Consumer Protection.
Members stated their approval of the issue being raised and in discussion suggested an increased focus from enforcement officers where possible in order to have a significant deterrent effect with minimal consumption of resources. The Commissioner agreed to take the discussion points into account when looking into the matter further.
It was agreed to send a resolution in response to the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee to communicate the discussion alongside the Commissioner’s statements. (5)
RESOLVED – That the resolution be sent to the Port Health & Environmental Services Committee.
There was no further urgent business.