To note the current list of Outstanding Actions.
The Committee received the current list of Outstanding Actions and were advised by the Director of Port Health and Public Protection that a further meeting with Transport for London (TfL) regarding noise complaints from the London Underground was taking place after the Committee meeting. Details about the outcome of this meeting would be provided at the next Committee meeting.
In response to Members’ questions, the Director of Transportation and Public Realm advised that charge points for electric vehicles would be installed in car parks from early 2017 through TfL funding. The provision of rapid charge points at taxi ranks was currently being investigated but there were currently no plans for on-street facilities across the City due to concerns about the increasing traffic congestion. The Deputy Chairman added that the electricity supply for charge points should not be provided using emergency generator power as this would cause an increase in air pollution emitted from those generators. The Director would provide further details about the proposals for charge points across the City at a future Committee meeting.
RESOLVED – That the Outstanding Actions be noted.
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