Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.
The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection that provided an update regarding the progress made against the key performance indicators and improvement objectives outlined in Port Health and Public Protection Division’s Business Plan for Period 1 (April – July 2016). The Director of Port Health and Public Protection advised that a leaflet promoting the Food Standards Agency’s National Food Safety Week would be circulated to Members after the meeting. He added that Operation Broadway had been implemented more widely across London and that the consultation period for the 2016-2026 Noise Strategy was ending on 17 October 2016, so comments from Members would be welcomed before that date.
In response to a Member’s question regarding air pollution caused by increase traffic congestion, the Director of Transportation and Public Realm advised that congestion, particularly within the Eastern City, was currently being taken seriously by the Planning and Transportation Committee and Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee. He added that discussions were ongoing with TfL regarding a reduction in bus movements and other measures to reduce traffic congestion.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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