Agenda item


To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 13 July 2017.


The Committee considered the minutes from the previous meeting, and Members agreed that there should be two amendments:


On Page 2, under item 4, Outstanding References, it should be clarified that the reference to the delay of the Annual Report referred specifically to its submission to the meeting of the Court of Common Council, which was postponed until September.


On Page 5, under item 8, Risk Register Update, it was agreed that the reference to the rollout date of the new CAD system as a risk if it remained unknown should be removed. The Commissioner explained that it is not a risk and it is MPS dependent, and if it becomes a risk then will be managed as part of the ACs risk governance process.


On Page 5, under item 9, Special Interest Area Update, A Member asked when the new CoLP lead for Equality and Diversity would be appointed. The Assistant Commissioner stated that it had been advertised and if no one applied then he would post someone in there at the Force Strategic Workforce Planning meeting on 22 September. The Assistant Commissioner would update Members on any progress. (1)


RESOLVED – That the minutes be approved.


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