Report of the Town Clerk
The Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk that provided a summary of all the outstanding reference from the previous meetings of the Committee.
The Chairman stated his dissatisfaction with the prevalence of colour documents being printed in black and white. This comment was made in reference to the fact that some of the items within the table which were not yet marked as complete appeared to be greyed out when viewed in black and white within the agenda pack, thus reducing its clarity. The Chairman mentioned that this was an issue in later items within the agenda, such as items 5 & 8, in which graphs that had been designed to be viewed in colour were rendered ineffective. He requested that this issue be addressed, either by the production of packs in colour, or through the production of graphs with monochromatic printing in mind. (2)
A Member requested, in reference to OR 3, that the updates on the Police Accommodation Strategy that had been circulated to chairmen on behalf of the PAP Programme Director, be circulated to Members of the Police Committee. (3)
A Member requested, in reference to OR 8, that there needed to be an overview of all procurement to ensure that contracts are placed with ethical suppliers. The Chamberlain explained that there was a robust and substantial strategy in place, and agreed to send this to the Member. (4)
RESOLVED – That the report be received.
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