Agenda item

Management Report by the Centre's Directors

Report of the Managing Director.


Members received a report of the Managing Director providing updates from the Barbican Directors on their respective areas.


The Director of Arts informed Members of a recent internal communications exercise which had brought together 200 Barbican staff. Through this collaborative process, staff had produced a book entitled “Everything you always wanted to know about the Barbican” and the process had been very well received by all staff involved. This represented the first part of a longer-term exercise that would look at a number of areas; the next stage in the process would be to produce a similar book on policies and procedures.


Reference was also made to the assistance the Barbican had been able to provide the library in respect of marketing and promoting their Gerald Scarfe exhibition; the Director of Arts added that Arts Council funding was being sought to pursue further collaboration with the library in future. The Chairman of the Culture, Heritage & Libraries Committee expressed her gratitude on behalf of the library and thanked Director for her team’s assistance in this area.


The Director of Learning & Engagement took the opportunity to inform Members of the success of the Summer Arts Camp, a joint income-generating initiative with the Guildhall School which gave young people experience of a range of creative disciplines. He also advised that discussions were ongoing in respect of the establishment of a new Cultural Education Partnership, following the Education Board’s recent decision to fund activity building on the work of the Learning and Engagement Forum. It was agreed that an update on this area, as well as the wider joining-up of the under 18’s offering, should be provided to the next Board meeting as part of a wider report on the Cultural Hub.


The Chief Operating & Financial Officer made reference to the various construction projects which had taken place at the Centre over the summer period, adding that further updates outlining certain delays and associated impacts would be provided at items 9b and 18. He also advised that he was continuing to engage with officers developing the feasibility report in respect of Beech Street and the Barbican Exhibition Halls.




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