Agenda item

London Wall Place Section S278 Highway and Public Realm Improvements


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment which provided the design and cost estimates for the highway works. The Project encompassed both the highway works and St Alfred’s Garden and Officers advised that a report on St Alfred’s Garden would be submitted to the Sub-Committee at a later date.


Members were advised of three different options for arranging the highway layout on London Wall (eastbound). Officers advised of their preference for Option Two; one traffic lane and one cycle lane which provided the best layout for cyclists and should reduce vehicle speed. In response to Members’ questions on the flexibility of the options and whether Option Three of one bus lane and one traffic lane was a more suitable choice, the Sub-Committee was advised that it would be possible at a later date to revert back to two traffic lanes by painting the lines with no capital resources spent. Following discussion of the benefits of both options, Members agreed that Option Two should be used for arranging the highway layout.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee:


a)    Approves the implementation of the highway works with an estimated total cost of £3.6 million as shown in Table 1;Delegates authority for any adjustments between elements of the £3.6 million budget to the Director of the Built Environment in conjunction with the Chamberlain’s Head of Finance provided the total approved budget of £3.6 million is not exceeded;

b)    Authorises Officers to seek relevant regulatory and statutory consents, orders and approvals as may be required to progress and implement the scheme (e.g. traffic orders); and

c)    Notes that the St. Alphage Gardens scheme (Section 106 funded) will be progressed independently of the (Section 278 funded) highway works and a separate Gateway 5 report will be submitted to the Open Spaces and City Gardens Committee and Projects Sub Committee in February 2017.


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