Agenda item

Head's Report

Report of the Head of the City of London School.


The Board considered a report of the Head that provided an update on the following School matters and sought approval of some revised School Policies.


Pupil Matters

·         The Board congratulated staff and pupils on the excellent set of public examination results.

·         Attempts were being made to improve the profile of creative subjects such as Art, Design and Technology.

·         In response to a Governor’s question, the Head confirmed that Modern Foreign Languages were popular at the School and that she was pleased with the take-up for Mandarin GCSE, which was newly on offer.

·         The Head would be meeting soon with an external donor who had previously contributed towards travel scholarships for ‘extreme’ travel excursions, to discuss future contributions as extreme travel was no longer deemed safe or appropriate by the School.

·         Governors noted that the Admissions Policy had not been updated for a number of years so the new revised Policy would assist with School procedures.

·         The Head of a new candidate’s current School would be asked to confirm the candidate’s continuing good behaviour as part of the 13+ Admissions Policy.



·         The September 2016 Keeping Children Safe in Education regulations required all adults in host families for foreign exchange programmes to be DBS checked and for staff to ensure the overseas School was carrying out equivalent checks, which would be costly to administer.

·         A Governor advised that he would inform all members of the John Carpenter Club who attend meetings at the School that they needed to be DBS checked.

·         The Deputy Head asked all Governors to provide their passport or driving licence after the meeting or next time they were at the School to ensure that their records were added to the School’s Single Central Register.


Summer Works

·         HSBC, who continued to contribute towards School Scholarships, would be invited to see the changes to the School as a result of the Summer Works.

·         In response to Governors’ requests, a future Board of Governors meeting would be held in the meeting room in the new Library.



a)    The Head’s update regarding pupil, safeguarding and staffing matters be noted;

b)    The Admissions Policy be approved; and

c)    The Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy be approved.

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