Agenda item

Knowledge, Understanding and Training Needs

-               Knowledge and Understanding Requirements for a Local Government Pension Board Member

-               Key Knowledge and Skills Areas

-               Identifying your Training Needs

-               Further Information


The Board noted the slides from Barnett Waddingham which set out some information regarding the knowledge and understanding requirements for Pensions Board Members, but, due to time constraints, agreed that Members should study the presentation in their own time. The Board agreed that the slides would be circulated to all Board Members, along with relevant background documentation and training needs analysis forms, for the Board Members to consider. The Board agreed that all Members should review the documentation and complete the Training Needs Analysis document by 31 December 2016. This should be submitted to the Town Clerk and Chamberlain, who would then use these documents to develop an appropriate training schedule for Board Members.


Barnett Waddingham noted and the Chamberlain confirmed that, should it be convenient for the Board, it would be possible to provide further training during evening sessions.



a)    The Town Clerk ensures that the slides from Barnett Waddingham is circulated to all Board Members, along with any other relevant background documentation

b)    All Board Members review this documentation and return the completed Training Needs Analysis by 31 December 2016;

c)    The Town Clerk and Chamberlain use this information to develop an appropriate training schedule for Board Members.