Agenda item

Resolutions on Retirements, Congratulatory Resolutions, Memorials, etc.


Resolution on retirement: Gordon Warwick Haines


That in taking their leave of -


Gordon Warwick Haines


upon his retirement as Alderman for the Ward of Queenhithe, this Court desires to place on record its most sincere appreciation of the service that he has given to the City Corporation and, in particular, to this Court, over the past twelve years.


Gordon was admitted to this Court as Alderman for the Ward of Queenhithe in 2004.  A consultant to the financial services industry, and having previously been a Chairman, CEO and Director of a number of financial companies and an advisor to a variety of Government and charitable organisations, Gordon has over forty years of service in the City Financial.  Born, raised and educated in London, he has long been committed to its business, civic, cultural, sporting and charitable life. As well as being Past Master Painters-Stainer, Gordon is also a Liveryman and Renter Warden of the Horners’ Company and an Honorary Freeman of the Company of Educators.


Gordon’s commitment to ensuring the preservation of the City Corporation’s open spaces and on-going enjoyment by an increasing number of interest groups is demonstrated by his service on, and contributions to the work of a number of open spaces related committees since 2004. These include the Open Spaces, City Gardens and West Ham Park Committee; the Coulsdon Commons Consultative Committee; and the Burnham Beeches and Stoke Common Consultative Committee where he oversaw the successful implementation of the Dog Control Orders project.  Most notably, he served as Chairman of the Epping Forest and Commons Committee between 2012 and 2016, an extended and successful Chairmanship due to his passion for the City’s open spaces. 


He has also served on many of the City Corporation’s major committees and a number of outside bodies including the Wembley National Stadium Trust Board; the National Council for Clean Air and Environmental Protection; the Board of Governors of Christ’s Hospital and King Edward’s School Witley; and as Chairman of the Samuel Wilson Loan Trust.


On taking their leave, his colleagues would like to express to Gordon Warwick Haines their very best wishes for his future health and happiness with the hope that he, and Caroline, will long retain many happy memories of his civic life and all he has achieved for the wider City, for the City Corporation and for this Court.