Report of the Town Clerk.
The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk outlining actions still outstanding. The following updates were noted:
St Mungo’s Telephone Line
The Director of Community and Children’s Services reported that a new card with the national telephone line was to be issued to address unreliability with the local response service. The Chairman asked that the number include an option to leave a voicemail message, as it was often inconvenient to fill in an online form when assisting a homeless person.
One Safe City Member Working Party
Peter Dunphy had been selected as the representative for the Safer City Partnership on the One Safe City Member Working Group. The Chairman thanked Jon Averns and Don Randall who had also put their names forward.
It was asked that an update from the group be included as a standing item for future meetings.
Increasing Parking Enforcement
The Director of Port Health and Public Protection reported that he had progressed the matter with the Department of Built Environment. There had been some concern that towing vehicles would contribute to the level of violence, and the City of London Police undertook to review the action.
Street Pastors
It was anticipated that a scheme would be in place by the end of the year. A meeting with local churches was due to take place on the 23November 2016 after which the scheme would be finalised.
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