Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


City Appointed Governor – City Academy Hackney

The Chairman noted that a candidate had been identified for the City appointed governor vacancy on the Board of the City Academy Hackney. She noted that the candidate’s application had been circulated to Members outside of the meeting and further provided as a tabled paper. Members unanimously agreed that Anuja Dhir should be appointed for a four year term.


RESOLVED, that Anuja Dhir be appointed as a City of London Corporation sponsor governor of City Academy Hackney for a four year term.


Chairmanship of City Academy Hackney

The Chairman noted that she had been serving as interim Chair of City Academy Hackney until such time the academy co-sponsor KPMG identified a candidate to serve as Chair of the governing body. A KPMG candidate had now been identified, and so the Chairman requested the endorsement of the Education Board for that candidate to be appointed Chair of the City Academy Hackney Governing Body at the end of the school year 2016/17.


RESOLVED, that the term of the KPMG candidate for Chair of City Academy Hackney governing body be brought forward one year, to commence in time for the 2017/18 school year.