Agenda item

Ofsted Inspection Reports

Reports of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.



The Sub Committee received two of reports of the Director of Community and Children’s Services in respect of the recent Ofsted Inspections.  Members were very pleased to note that Children’s Services had been judged as ‘Good’ with a number of ‘Outstanding’ features and  the City and Hackney Safeguarding Children Board had been rated ‘Outstanding’.  The Audit and Risk Management Committee had received this report at their last meeting and had asked for their congratulations to be passed on to both Officers and Members of this Sub Committee. 


Very good report. What will be the oversight and reporting mechanism to ensure recommendations from the inspection are followed up?


Members noted that there had been six recommendations arising from the Inspections, which had been included in an action plan and this would be a standing item on future Safeguarding Sub Committee agendas. 


One recommendation was to look at how Members could have more opportunities for engagement with LAC and Care Leavers. How would the young people like to see our Members engaging more with them?


Officers suggested that Members might like to visit the Children in Care Council and/or offer shadowing opportunities.  The Chairman and Deputy Chairman offered and it was also suggested that LAC and care leavers be invited to events at the City of London Academies, when Members were due to attend. 


In response to other questions, Members noted that, the Children’s Service Manager had written to the Director of the Whittington Health Service in respect of record keeping on education and health matters; records were now being audited every 6 months and there had been an improvement since June 2016.  All LAC in the City had their medicals on time but the health histories were taking a little longer.  Officers suggested, and Members agreed, that Whittington Health Service be invited to attend the meeting when their Annual report is presented, as a statutory requirement. 


RESOLVED, that – the outcome of the Ofsted Inspections in respect of the Chidren’s Services and City and Hackney Safeguarding Board be noted. 

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