Agenda item

Proposed Revenue Budgets - 2017/18

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Town Clerk.


This report will also be considered by the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee.


The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Town Clerk regarding the revenue budgets for 2017/18. Members noted the proposed uplift of £142,000, and officers advised this figure would need to be revised, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, in light of costs incurred through the management, monitoring and administering of grants.



a)    it be confirmed that the provisional 2017/18 revenue budget reflects the Committee’s objectives and the budget (including the revised uplift over the local risk resource base and subject to a bid for further resources) be approved for submission to the Finance Committee;

b)    an uplift to the 2017/18 budget be submitted to the Resource Allocation Sub Committee for final approval; and

c)    the Chamberlain be authorised to revise these budgets to allow for any necessary realignment of funds resulting from corporate projects.

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