Agenda item

Support into employment for disabled people

Report of the Chief Grants Officer.


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Grants officer regarding the additional funds agreed as part of the City Bridge Trust’s 20th Anniversary year, some of which had been allocated to support the most disadvantaged into work. It had been agreed that these funds be targeted at disabled people and those with mental health problems, and work with key figures and stakeholders in the disability field had been on-going for the past eight months in order to inform where the money would be most effective.


Members voiced their strong support for investment in this area, advised of their wish for the Trust to remain actively involved with the projects and/or organisations being funded, and requested mid-term reviews to ensure grants could be revisited over the five year period to safeguard against the vulnerability of organisations.



a)    the proposed focus and principles of this funding as outlined in the report be agreed; and

b)    specific recommendations for funding be presented in early 2017.

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