Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.
The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection providing Members with assurance that risk management procedures in place within the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection are satisfactory and that they meet the requirements of the corporate Risk Management Framework.
The Chairman highlighted that the risk relating to ‘HGV Unloading Operations’ had moved from an amber to a red risk. This was due to a lack of suitable and sufficient training and adequate management controls to Heavy Good Vehicle banksman activities, undertaken by staff employed by Smithfield Market tenants. The Superintendent of Smithfield Market confirmed that he was currently in discussion with tenants to resolve this as quickly as possible. The Chairman reported that, as a red risk, this matter would be referred back to every meeting of the Markets Committee. He asked that the narrative to the risk and the actions taken to date be updated accordingly.
A Member commented that the SMTA had agreed to take this responsibility on board. He was now concerned that, in identifying this risk, the City were at risk in not fully addressing and controlling it. He suggested that, if the tenants were not fulfilling their role here, control should be taken back in-house and this should be added to the tenant’s service charge.
The Superintendent reassured the Committee that Officers were continuing to manage the risk and that the number of incidents/accidents relating to HGV Unloading Operations were very low at the Market. He added that the SMTA were aware that the Superintendent was now pushing for tenants to fully address this.
Whilst accepting that the number of incidents relating to HGV Unloading Operations at the Market were low, a Member quoted the Health and Safety Executive website which listed reversing vehicles as accounting for a disproportionate number of accidents/deaths in the work place. It was therefore important to address this risk without further delay.
The Chairman agreed with the points made and requested that a report be submitted to the next meeting of the Markets Committee examining the possibility of taking the training and management of Heavy Good Vehicle banksman activities back in house if tenants had not fully complied by this time.
RESOLVED – That, Members:
a) note the report and the actions taken in the Department of Markets and Consumer Protection to monitor and manage effectively risks arising from its operations; and
b) request a further report on the possibility of bringing the training and management of Heavy Good Vehicle banksman activities back in house if tenants had not fully complied with the need for this.
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