Report of Community & Children's Services
The Group received a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services updating them on the last meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board.
The Group noted that a recent mapping exercise undertaken by members of the Health and Wellbeing Advisory Group highlighted that whilst there is a great deal of
valuable work taking place across the City to tackle alcohol harm, there is
also potential for greater collaboration between partners, underpinned by
a common vision. We are therefore proposing the development of a
Corporate Alcohol Strategy to address this and develop a Corporation wide
approach to safe, responsible drinking.
The strategy will provide an overview of alcohol harm in the City, covering
both the impact on individual health and the wider community in terms of
crime and safety. It will describe what needs to be done to create a
culture of safe and responsible drinking in the City, prevent a further
increase in ill health caused by alcohol, improve the health of problem
drinkers and tackle alcohol-related crime and anti-social behaviour. The
Public Health Team will lead on the strategy, working in partnership with
departments across the City Of London Corporation, City Of London
Police and City and Hackney CCG.
RESOLVED – That the report be noted.
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