Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk.


The group considered a report of the Town Clerk that summarised the outstanding actions from the last meeting on 12 June 2017.


OR1 – Directory of Services

The Community Safety Team Manager provided hard copies of the draft version of the City of London Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence Support Directory 2017 to Members.


The Chairman asked if this document was available on the City of London website, and the Community Safety Team Manager explained that it would be made available when the final version had been finalised.  The Chairman stated that this document was very useful, but that its distribution was going to be a crucial factor.  He suggested that having a hard copy available at locations across the City of London might be useful, and asked Members of the group for their willingness to hold a copy.  The Community Safety team Manager explained that there would be a preference for business owners etc. to contact through Public Protection Unit as this would ensure that the pathway to response remained consistent.


The Deputy Chairman asked if the NHS Clinical Commissioning Group was involved, and the CCG representative stated that he would contact the Community Safety Team in order to ensure their details are included. (1)


The Community Safety Team Manager explained to the group that the Domestic Abuse & Sexual Violence forum would be asked for their approval before the document would be marked as final for publication.


OR2 – Safer Communities Closedown Report

The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection questioned the availability of Safer Communities Project outcomes and recommendations. 


The Head of Change Portfolio Office provided a verbal update on the Safer Communities Project closedown recommendations.  She explained that the City of London Police will be meeting with the Director of Transportation and the Public Realm in the week commencing 18 September as part of the close down process.  This will help ensure that a comprehensive report is produced for the next meeting of the Safer City Partnership Strategy Group on 3 November (2).  The report would clearly detail all the findings and recommendations yielded from:


  1. The Safer Communities Project including the work on improving Community Engagement

2.    Workshops on Antisocial Behaviour

3.    Workshops on Domestic Violence

4.    Workshops on Vulnerable People

5.    Community Engagement


The Director of Markets and Consumer Protection requested that the Assistant Director of Port Health and Public Protection be consulted in the process.  The Head of Change Portfolio Office confirmed that he had indeed been present at meetings that had taken place regarding this issue.


OR5 – Safer City Partnership Strategy Report

This was to be discussed under Item 7 – Safer City Partnership Strategy & Assessment.


OR6 – Safer City Partnership Annual Assessment Report

This was to be discussed under Item 7 – Safer City Partnership Strategy & Assessment.


OR11 – Health and Wellbeing Update

A Health and Wellbeing Update Report was expected for this meeting.  However, no report was submitted and no representative of the Health and Wellbeing team attended the meeting to provide a verbal update.


The Chairman stated his disappointment at the lack of update available, and that no apologies had been tendered for the meeting.  The Chairman requested that the reasons for the non-attendance be followed-up and a written report updating on the progress of the Health & Wellbeing team be circulated to Members in October 2017. (3)


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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