Agenda item

Community Safety Team Update

Report of the Community Safety Manager


The Group received a report of the Community Safety Team Manager updating Members on activity by the Community Safety Team not otherwise addressed.


The Community Safety Team Manager provided a brief summary for Members surrounding the recent activity of the Community Safety Team, as included within the report. The Chairman asked for reassurance that the Prevent strategy could be delivered with the resources and time available.  The Community Safety Team Manager confirmed that this was the case.


The Deputy Chairman explained, in reference to the Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) training sessions held, the City of London Corporation’s methods in dealing with ASB were evidently below the current standards of best practice.  He stated that the City Corporation has a duty to support victims of ASB, but it was clear that they had not reached the optimum balance in doing so.  He explained to the Group that this had now been addressed.  The Chairman stated his approval that this issue has now been given focus.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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