Agenda item

Great Fire 350: Monitoring and Evaluation

Report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries and a presentation from Artichoke.


Members can read the full appendix at the following link:



 The Committee received a report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries, together with a presentation from Ms Helen Marriage of Artichoke, which provided monitoring and evaluation information in respect of the Great Fire Commemorations 350 in September 2016. 


During the discussion, the following points were noted:


  • 80% of visitors would not have been in London that weekend had it not been for the event.


  • Artichoke commended the Planning Department  for  their assistance with road closures.


  • Members had visited the structure when it was being built during the summer of 2016 and particularly commended the involvement of young people who had gained valuable skills and work experience.  Ms Marriage agreed to chase for feedback in respect of a careers event which had been held at the Barbican in October and would confirm the number of full time jobs created as a result of the project.  In respect of a question on the economic value of the event, Ms Marriage also agreed to follow this up with the Audience Agency and report back to Members. 


In concluding, Ms Marriage thanked the City of London Corporation for the opportunity of working with them on such an engaging project and would very much like to work together in the future.


RESOLVED, that – the report and presentation be noted. 



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