Agenda item


Report of the Town Clerk.


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk regarding their terms of reference and asking them to note their 2017 meeting dates.


The Deputy Chairman reported that it had always been the intention that ex-officio Members of the Committee would not have voting rights if they were not also directly elected Members of the Court of Common Council. He also suggested that the revised terms of reference should make it clear that there would be no change to the role of the Court of Aldermen in relation to the appointment of the Secondary and Under Sheriff and that all matters in relation to the activities and operation of the Shrievalty would be excluded from the work of this Sub Committee.


The Town Clerk highlighted that those matters outside of a Sub Committee’s remit were not normally detailed in their terms of reference and therefore suggested that these points could be added as a footnote to the existing terms of reference so as not to set a precedent.


Members disagreed with this suggestion and requested that the existing Sub Committee information be amended as follows:

·        Under the heading ‘Constitution’ add “the Recorder and a Sheriff who is not an Alderman or Common Councilman shall have no vote” to the final bullet point; and

·        Under the heading ‘Terms of Reference’ add “but excluding the appointment of the Secondary and Under Sheriff and matters relating to the Shrievalty”.


RESOLVED – That, Members:


a)     Add the proposed wording to the information on the Sub Committee’s constitution and Terms of Reference; and

b)     Note the 2017 dates for Sub Committee meetings.

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