Lift Refurbishment – Middlesex Street Estate
The Sub Committee considered a late report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services regarding the lift Refurbishment at Middlesex Street Estate. Members discussed the report and agreed that any costs incurred to service the newly constructed flats be met from the capital outlay and not part of the service charge levied to leaseholders.
a) a change of project scope to incorporate installing additional lift stops for the two lifts in Petticoat Tower to serve flats 3a-3d be approved;
b) the increase in total estimated budget to £1,032,500 to accommodate this additional work be noted;
c) an additional sum of £8,000 professional fees be approved to reach Gateway 5; and
d) any costs incurred to service the newly constructed flats be met from the capital outlay and not part of the service charge levied to leaseholders.
Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
Officers reported that over £5,000 had been raised and Members congratulated all staff involved. Members also took the opportunity to welcome Bayo Igoh, the new Head of Estates.
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